Scientific Industries Announces BioMADE and Scientific Bioprocessing Partnership to Bring Digitally Simplified Bioprocessing to 20 U.S. Colleges

BOHEMIA, NY / ACCESSWIRE / December 9, 2021 / Scientific Industries, Inc. (OTCQB:SCND), a life sciences tool provider and developer of digitally simplified bioprocessing products, today announced that Scientific Bioprocessing, Inc. (SBI) has formed a unique partnership with BioMADE to bring state-of-the-art equipment and transformational learning experiences to college students across the United States. Together they will bring Scientific Bioprocessing’s real-time solution for biomass monitoring and bioprocessing technology training resources to 20 community and technical college Biotech Career Technical Education programs.
BioMADE – the Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem – is a new Manufacturing Innovation Institute dedicated to advancing bioindustrial manufacturing across the nation. Scientific Bioprocessing is a leader in the development of intelligent shake flasks designed to deliver a step change in the cost and time to develop new products using both microbial and mammalian cell culture. The Educational Module features innovative biomass monitoring sensors, liquid injection system, and integrated data analytics software which deliver bioreactor-like data with the cost and convenience of a shake flask – the most common reaction vessel in science.
BioMADE brings together a diverse range of member organizations, from large corporations to universities to start-ups. Launched with significant federal support in 2021, BioMADE harnesses the power of biology to create and domestically source the manufactured goods that people use every day.
Scientific Bioprocessing is a member of a team of industry and academic partners who were recently awarded $650,000 as part of BioMADE’s first project call to develop curricula around affordable infrastructure for digital bioprocessing education. University of Georgia, Albany State University, and Solano Community College will be designing curriculum under the award for bioreactor monitoring and control and design of experiments.
With this generous contribution from Scientific Bioprocessing, BioMADE launched a call for interested institutions to apply to participate. Community and technical colleges will be selected based on institutional need, ability to implement curriculum, and industry engagement. Those awarded will receive $16,000 of equipment at no cost, bringing much-needed resources to schools working to provide valuable, hands-on experiences to students. Interested institutions may find the application form here, and sign up to attend an informational webinar on January 7 here.
“BioMADE is thrilled to have Scientific Bioprocessing invest in our mission through this partnership,” said Thomas Tubon, Chief Workforce Development Officer at BioMADE. “Scientific Bioprocessing’s strength in digital optical sensor technology and data analytics will bring critical experience and expertise to the BioMADE community and help us build and strengthen the foundation of the emerging bioindustrial manufacturing workforce.”
“We’re excited to partner with BioMADE and all of its member organizations to propel new biotechnology products from the laboratory to the commercial market and provide resources to train a skilled workforce,” said John Moore, President of Scientific Bioprocessing. “Students who have solid understanding of engineering principles and hands-on experience with bioreactors are highly valuable to employers. Unfortunately, many technical colleges with biotechnology programs cannot afford bioreactors. Now, with our intelligent shake flasks, students can learn important engineering principles like mass transfer that improve their value to potential employers. The bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem is poised for significant growth in the coming decade, and by joining BioMADE, we’re ensuring that Scientific Bioprocessing will be part of that growth.”
About BioMADE
BioMADE is one of nine Department of Defense-sponsored Manufacturing Innovation Institutes. Through funding, action, and engagement, BioMADE supports the development of biomanufacturing technologies to strengthen American competitiveness; create a more robust, resilient, and bio-based supply chain; and help the U.S. become more self-sufficient. BioMADE is also building a diverse and globally competitive STEM workforce by partnering with K-12 schools, community colleges, universities, and professional development organizations to ensure the workforce is prepared and ready to fill new jobs. Learn more about BioMADE by visiting
About Scientific Bioprocessing, Inc.
Scientific Bioprocessing, Inc. (SBI) is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art instruments, strategies, and technologies to expedite the production of viable cells and therapies with a streamlined process and product consistency. SBI’s mission is to develop sensor technologies and instruments that make cell culture and bioprocessing work easier, experiments more reproducible, and culture conditions better suited to meet experimental objectives. SBI is a subsidiary of Scientific Industries Inc. (SCND-OTCQB) To learn more, visit
About Scientific Industries, Inc.
Scientific Industries (OTCQB:SCND), is a life science tool provider. It designs, manufactures, and markets laboratory equipment, including the world-renowned Vortex-Genie® 2 Mixer and Torbal® balances, and bioprocessing systems under the product name Cell Growth Quantifier and Liquid Injection System. Scientific Industries’ products are generally used and designed for research purposes in laboratories of universities, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and pharmacies. To learn more, visit
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BioMADE Contact:
Christine Lee
Communications Manager
Scientific Industries Contact:
Helena R. Santos
CEO and President
Phone: 631-567-4700
Joe Dorame
Lytham Partners, LLC
Phone: (602) 889-9700
SOURCE: Scientific Industries, Inc.