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All Biomass Monitoring Feeding in Shake Flasks Fluorescence Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring

Evaluation of the Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Pill for Filamentous Organisms

Online Monitoring and Automated Feeding for Early Process Characterization

Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring in CHO Cells for Enhanced Process Understanding

Monitoring Metabloic Events Through the Detection of eGFP Expressed by E. coli

Optimizing Automated Protein Expression in E. coli with DO-Based Smart Feeding: The Role of the MPS and the LIS in Achieving Cost-Effective and Scalable Induction Conditions

Using the Cell Growth Quantifier (CGQ) to Explore the Adaptation for Lactose and Galactose Metabolism of Candida intermedia

Increasing the Exponential Growth Phase by Modulating Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in Plant Cells

Optimization of Glucose Oxidase Production in Pichia pastoris Using the Multiparameter Sensor (MPS) and Liquid Injection System (LIS)

Impact of Starter Culture Conditions on Strain Growth

Improving Yeast Strain Robustness for Biorefinery Applications

Influence of Shake Flask Closures on Biomass Yield and Oxygen Consumption in E. coli Cultures

Biomass Monitoring of E. coli in Baffled vs Non-baffled Shake Flasks

Automated Biomass Monitoring Reduces Contamination Risks for Klebsiella pneumoniae Cultures on Antibiotic-Free Medium

Online Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Uncovers Unique Metabolic Events in E.coli Fermentations

Dissolved oxygen measurements of filamentous fungi (A. oryzae) cultures reveal effects of different shaking speeds

The Effect of Filling Volumes in Shake Flasks on Oxygen Supply in E.coli Cultures

High-resolution Growth Curves Monitored With the Cell Growth Quantifier Reveal Toxicity of M-cresol on S. cerevisiae Cells

Real-Time Monitoring of the Photoswitching of DsRed1-E5 Fluorescent Timer: Distinguishing Between Recently Synthesized and Matured Protein

Improved Biomass Monitoring in Bioreactors with the Mycel-forming Fungus Penicillium sp. in Repeated-batch Fermentations

Enhancing S. cerevisiae Cell Growth on Potato Waste: Leveraging the Liquid Injection System (LIS) for Fed-Batch in Shake Flasks to Mitigate Growth Inhibitors

Optimizing Sampling Strategies: Selecting Precise Sampling Times of S. cerevisiae in Octanoic Acid Production with the Cell Growth Quantifier

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